Join Us

Please use this secure form to enroll for any of our services. If you encounter any problems or prefer to enroll by phone or in person, please call or text 614-710-0075.

Once you submit this enrollment form, we will contact you within 1-2 business days to confirm your enrollment, get to know more about your specific needs and schedule your first visit.

For memberships: Filling out this form does not guarantee membership or constitute establishing a physician-patient relationship. We do not deny membership based on medical conditions, insurance status, age, race or any other personal factors. Our patient panel is limited however and we will confirm our ability to properly care for your needs based on our clinicians' scope of practice and our panel capacity. We look forward to serving you!

For Individual Wellness Services (Counseling, Coaching, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Registered Dietician, Physical Therapy, Personal Training, Emscuplt Neo, Emsella, Emface, or other Esthetic and Wellness Treatments): Thank you for enrolling. We will contact you to confirm your specific needs and schedule your first visit!

Please indicate the service(s) in which you would like to enroll:

Local Primary Care and Wellness Membership

$197 registration fee, $97 monthly fee (six month minimum commitment)

Local 90-Day Consult Program $625
Virtual 90-Day Consult Program $625 (Please enter your referral code below if you have prepaid for this program and you will not be charged)

Signature Wellness Services (check those you may be interested in):

Professional Services

$125 per session. Discounted bundle and Membership pricing available.

Esthetic and Wellness Device Services

Pricing personalized based on your needs at time of consultation.

Please contact me to discuss which membership services would be best for me!

Basic Contact Information

Home Address

Contact Information

Emergency Contact

Health History

Please list significant current and past medical diagnoses:

Please list past surgeries:

Please list all current medications, vitamins, supplements:

Set Username and Password for Patient Portal

To gain online access to your medical records and secure communications, please create a username and password that you will use to log into the patient portal in the future.

  • Your username must be at least 4 characters long.
  • Each participating member on your account must have a unique username and password.

Your password must be at least 8 characters long and include at least one number or special character.


You are required to have a credit/debit card on file as a payment source for services and fees.  FOR MEMBERSHIPS, this will be used to automatically draft your registration fee and monthly membership fee, however no charges will be made before your membership is accepted. FOR WELLNESS SERVICES, this will be used to pay for services received at the time of service.

Card Details


Card Billing Address

Note: Signature Primary Care and Wellness does not bill insurance for its services with only the rare exception listed at Our clinicians are considered out of network providers with most insurances. Medicare beneficiaries are not permitted to seek reimbursement for SPC services from Medicare. We are happy to work with your insurance to process referrals, prescriptions, prior authorizations, etc.


On behalf of all of the members on this account, I understand and agree to the following (read and check all items indicating your acceptance):

For Memberships:

I will be charged a recurring fee per member for primary care services as described at and in the membership agreement below.

For Wellness Services (Counseling, Coaching, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Dietician, Physical Therapy, Personal Training, EmsculptNeo, Emsella, Emface):

Sign with mouse or finger:

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